Judy Willier

Judy Willier
Judy Willier
In the Natural Health Industry since 1993
Professional Qualification: Iridologist, a lifetime of knowledge-seeking and experience
Energy work:Owner of Venture Inwards Iridology, Reiki Master/Teacher, Access Bars Facilitator
Current Position: Wellness Provider
Judy Willier was born in Fort St. John, British Columbia and grew up in Sucker Creek First Nation, just east of Grande Prairie, Alberta. She grew up in a large family of fifteen brothers and sisters. Judy is a survivor of the Canadian residential school system. A natural teacher, she loves sharing about Cree culture, including talking about traditional smudging protocols and how to properly gather medicines. Judy also loves drumming and singing with her sister Darlene Cardinal. In 2018, she and husband Laurie have been together for 43 years. They are the proud parents of four grown children. They are also a joyful Kokum (grandmother) and Musum (grandfather) of nine grandchildren, although they have been nicknamed Koko and Somo by their granddaughters. At The Health Hut, Judy can often be heard sharing stories about her grandchildren, teaching easy energy clearing techniques, and laughing whole-heartedly with customers. In 2018, Judy celebrated 20 years of devotion and hard work as an integral part of The Health Hut team.
What is one item on your bucket list?
I want to travel across Canada. I've seen Vancouver Island and how amazing it is with all of its small secret places that are so beautiful. Next on my list is Nova Scotia. I'm going on a bus tour with my sister and friends from British Columbia. I don't know the details; I'm just going!
Who inspires you?
My husband, Laurie, my kids and my grandkids. Family.
What is your current favourite quote, mantra or affirmation? Why?
All of Life Comes to Me with Ease and Joy and Glory from Gary M Douglas of accessconsciousness.com. I say it every night at bedtime. I find it very calming. I like how it changes the energy of thoughts and emotions.
What is a self-care practice you are doing or would like to start doing?
I'm taking care of me spiritually. I'm becoming more in tune with who I am. I'm taking time just to sit. For me, that's huge. To just be.
What is a rewarding aspect of your work at Venture Inwards Iridology?
It's that clients feel better. They feel energized and uplifted, even excited. Seeing direct results is encouraging. I also love it when clients want to learn more about energy, Access Bars, Reiki or Iridology.
What do you find enjoyable about working at The Health Hut?
Helping customers! I love teaching them, whether it's about supplements or the easiest way to muscle test or the easiest way to clear energy.
As a Supplement Advisor, what area of natural health do you most enjoy discussing with customers?
Healing the gut and how allergies are related. Where does everything start with? Your gut. You eat, food goes in, food has to go out. An example is a garbage can. You put garbage in it. If you don't empty it out, what happens? It spills out onto the floor or other parts of your house. It's the same with the body. If you keep filling your bowels but don't eliminate, where does it go? Into the body. It creates a leaky gut and inflammation in other parts of your body. It causes pain. It can cause allergies. So, you need to heal the gut so everything can work properly.
How has your understanding of health or dis-ease changed throughout your career?
When a major disease hits your family directly, it's more eye-opening. You want a better understanding. You need to know more so you can do everything possible to help. When a major disease happened to one of my family members, I was a main caregiver and researched a lot. I needed to know more.
I learned food choice is more powerful than I had thought. I learned that some foods stop diarrhea and others make it worse. I thought diarrhea was a side-effect of the disease or treatment, but it was a result of eating certain foods. When I started giving my family member foods that stopped the diarrhea, like carrots and potatoes, that symptom cleared up and made healing easier overall. Understanding the power of food in that way was a huge learning curve for me.
Holistic health is described as the health of the whole body, the Mind-Body-Emotion-Spirit connection. How does holistic health show up in your life outside of work?
I live it! Practice what you preach or else shut your mouth.
Teach us something new that you are learning about right now.
98% of our thoughts aren't ours. They belong to other people, and we pick them up. It's like we have radar: we pick up all these thoughts, and we feel all these emotions that aren't ours. We can get into negative thought patterns easily. We can judge people. I'm learning that what Access Bars does is it breaks down and clears out those patterns. It helps us get rid of judgement and self-judgement. It helps us change our negative ways of thinking.
A useful tool I learned is that when you have a negative thought, break the pattern by asking yourself, Who does this thought belong to? Return to sender.
It's like when you fall into other people's anger. They're angry, then you take on their anger and you retaliate, then it continues as a cycle. Then you have two angry people where there was only one before. Or it's like when you're driving and a thought suddenly comes into your head that's upsetting or judgemental. Who does this belong to? Return to sender. I'll say that three or four times and then let the thought go. It's not my thought. Why would I keep it?
Try using it for every thought, every emotion and feeling you get for three days. You'd be amazed, on the fourth day, it's so nice and quiet in your mind. Doing this gives you a better understanding of who you are. This is something everyone is tuned in to and can do because everyone has negative thoughts. It's a powerful life-changer.